Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.97 Ryan L College Board Video and researched components of domain online Blog Post
Routing and Computing 0.95 Sri S College Board Video and talked to friend about the HW questions, how systems link together an communicate Blog Post
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 1.0 Jason G College Board Video and extra research online about the effects of technology on business Blog Post
Digital Divide 0.95 Aditya R, Sai T College Board Video and extra research into a business of a friend’s that is trying to fix used computers to give to refugees Blog Post
Computing Bias 0.95 Tanvi P College Board Video and extra research bias, especially from a marketing standpoint Blog Post
Crowdsourcing 1.0 Samhita L College Board Video and extra research into how we might use crowdsourcing in our upcoming CPT project Blog Post
Safe Computing 0.93 Advik College Board Video and a Youtube video about which sites are safe Blog Post
CB Quiz 57/67 (0.85/1) CB Researched the answers I got wrong and collaborated with others to figure out the ones we didn’t get. Blog Post
Totals Median Score: 0.95/1 Number complete: 8 Extra effort count:8/8 Key tangible assets count: 8/8