Computer Science Lab Notebook

Unit1: Comp Sci Notebook

Install Tools. Design lab notebook. Learn GitHub Pages. Work with Aditi.

Week Plans Hacks(To-do) Tangibles
0 - Plan Week 0
- Review Ticket Week 0
1 - Plan Week 1
- Review Ticket Week 1
2 - Plan Week2
- Calculator
- Quiz
- Snake
- Hangman
- Graphing Calculator
- Review Ticket Week 2
3 - Plan Week 3
- Emojis
- JS Output w/Objects Project
- Median, Mean, and Standard Deviation
- JS Output w/jquery
- Linux Shell and Bash
- Review Ticket Week 3

Unit2: Agile Methodology

Description here

Week Plans Hacks(To-do) Tangibles
4 - Plan Week 4
- Correcting Errors
- Team Test
- Teaching Tri 1
- Review Week 4
5 - Plan Week 5
- Web Programming Basics
- Review Week 5
6 - Plan Week 6
- Review Week 6
7 - Plan Week 7
- Data Abstraction
- 3.3-3.4 Boolean If
- Review Week 7

Unit3: Web Application, Data, and night at the museum

Description here

Week Plans Hacks(To-do) Tangibles
8 - Plan Week 8
- CB 3.7,3.8 - Iteration in Python
- Review Week 8
9 - Plan Week 9
- CB 3.9. 3.15 Developing Algoritms
- Lists and Search
- Review Week 9
- NATM Extra Credit - Issues Review
10 - Plan Week 10
- 3.14 Libraries
- CB 3.12,3.13 Developing Procedures
- Simulations
- Tri 1 Reflection
11 - College Board Corrections

Unit4: Warm-up Data Abstraction Project, Create Performance Task (CPT) kickoff

Description here

Week Plans Hacks(To-do) Tangibles
13 - SASS Javascript Login Page
14 - 4.1 - The Internet
- Routing and Computing

Unit5: CPT design and development, Computer Systems, Networks, Impact of Computing

Description here

Week Plans Hacks(To-do) Tangibles
15 - 5.1 Big Idea Beneficial and Harmful Effects Student Lesson
- 5.1 Big Idea Beneficial and Harmful Effects Student Lesson (Nupur)
- 5.2 Digital Divide Student Lesson
16 - 5.4 Computing Bias
- 5.4 Crowd-sourcing
17 - Big Idea 5.6 Safe Computing
- 2020 CB Test corrections
18 - Student Teaching Pt. 2 Key Indicators
19 - Team Teach - Full Stack and User Profile
- Introduction to SASS
- Flask Database Team Teach
21 - Individual Review CPT Project

Unit6: N@tM and Create Performance Task (CPT) video and presentations. MCQ Exam Practice.

Trimester 2 concludes with students presenting their CPT project at N@tM. Each person within "Student Teams" will have their own specialty within the student project that satisfies all their Create Performance Task requirements. Students should be able to talk about design, coding, iteration, and present features of their portion of the system.

Week Plans Hacks(To-do) Tangibles

Unit7: Data Structures and Data Science

This is the beginning of a college course following the outline of CS113 Data Structures from Mira Costa CC. Topics, using Python, include searching, sorting, hashing, algorithms, analysis, object-oriented design, collections, lists, stacks, queues, trees, sets, dictionaries, and graphs.

Week Plans Hacks(To-do) Tangibles
26 - MCQ 2020 Frequently Missed Questions
- 2021 MCQ Test Corrections
29 - Data Structures Writeup

Unit8: AP Weeks

Activities will be focused on supporting students in test preparations, including student teaching. Days that are not focused on test preparation will be focused on planning for year-end project/portfolio.

Week Plans Hacks(To-do) Tangibles

Unit9: Passion Project and N@tM

Presenting accomplishments for the year by creating a passion project for N@tM. This project will serve as the year-end final exam.

Week Plans Hacks(To-do) Tangibles


Week Plans Hacks(To-do) Tangibles
0 - Plan Week 0
- Review Ticket Week 0