PBL Unit 1 / Week 3

Project Overview

Read over Pair Showcase Criteria, Linux Shell and Bash, Python IO, Python Tricks!, JS Output w/Jquery, JS Output w/Objects, JS Input, and develop individualized projects for each, based on the skills learned. (ex. algorithm for median)

Team Members

Developer 1: Cindy Liang Developer 2: Aditi Bharadwaj

Project Objectives

  • Develop an algorithm for median based on Python Tricks
    • Use Python
  • Create working plan for the week and check w/ peers and teachers
  • Explore various computer languages (python, HTML, JS, etc.)
  • Improve and innovate until the standards of the Pair Showcase are reached

Project Tasks and Timeline

  1. Integrate feedback from previous Live Review 😀
    • Tangibles files
    • Re-organize tables
    • Check w/Aditi to make sure files are in the right place
  2. Read over Pair Showcase criteria, talk w/ Aditi about how to implemnt
    • make sure plan is doable
  3. Divide and conquer the work (JS Output w/Obejects), and confer w/ Aditi afterwards
    • start individualized projects (medain algorithm, etc.)
    • Follow hacks
    • Talk w/ Aditi when confused (which is often)
  4. Run everything, make sure it works
  5. Practice presenting (passing off topics to partner, etc.) and review Showcase criteria
  6. Reflect on Pair Showcase Feedback