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Commonly Used Linux Commands

Navigation and File Management:

ls: List files and directories in the current directory. cd: Change the current working directory. pwd: Print the current working directory. mkdir: Create a new directory. touch: Create an empty file. rm: Remove files or directories. cp: Copy files or directories. mv: Move or rename files or directories.

File Viewing and Editing:

cat: Concatenate and display file content. more or less: View file content one screen at a time. nano or vim or emacs: Text editors for creating and editing files.

File Permissions:

chmod: Change file permissions. chown: Change file ownership. Searching and Finding: grep: Search for text patterns in files. find: Search for files and directories. locate: Quickly find files based on a database.

Process Management:

ps: List running processes. top or htop: Monitor system processes in real-time. kill: Terminate processes.

System Information:

uname: Display system information. df: Display disk space usage. free: Display memory usage. lsb_release: Display Linux distribution information.

Archiving and Compression:

tar: Archive files and directories. gzip, gunzip: Compress and decompress files.

Network and Connectivity:

ping: Test network connectivity. ifconfig or ip: Configure and display network interfaces. ssh: Securely connect to remote systems. scp: Securely copy files between systems.

User and Group Management:

useradd, userdel: Add or delete user accounts. passwd: Change user passwords. groups: List user groups. sudo: Execute commands with superuser privileges.

System Control and Shutdown:

reboot: Reboot the system. shutdown: Shutdown the system.

File Transfer:

wget or curl: Download files from the internet.

Is there anything we use to verify tools we installed? Review versions?

Can use toolname –version, or search for the tool name.

How would you update a repository? Use the git command line?

cd the path to the repository, then type in “git pull”, so the latest changes are pulled to update the repository.