import getpass
import unittest.mock

# Define the quiz dictionary with questions as keys and answers as values
quiz = {
    "Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of ": "collaboration",
    "Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?": "yes",
    "The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age ": "integer",
    "The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?": "boolean",
    "True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor." : "false",
    "A group of statements is called.." : "code segment."

# Function to administer the quiz
def run_quiz():
    total_questions = len(quiz)
    user_responses = []

    for i, (question, correct_answer) in enumerate(quiz.items(), start=1):
        print(f"\nQuestion {i}: {question}")
        user_answer = input("Your answer: ").strip().lower()

    # Calculate the score as a percentage
    score = sum(user_answer == correct_answer for user_answer, correct_answer in zip(user_responses, quiz.values()))
    percentage_score = (score / total_questions) * 100

    print("\nUser Responses:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"Question {i}: {response}")

    print(f"\nQuiz completed!\n{getpass.getuser()}, you scored {percentage_score:.2f}%.")

    # Display user inputs as a list
    print("\nUser Inputs:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"{i}. {response}")

    # Calculate the percentage of questions answered correctly and incorrectly
    correct_answers = 0
    incorrect_answers = 0
    for user_answer, correct_answer in zip(user_responses, quiz.values()):
        if user_answer == correct_answer:
            correct_answers += 1
            incorrect_answers += 1

    percentage_correct = (correct_answers / total_questions) * 100
    percentage_incorrect = (incorrect_answers / total_questions) * 100

    print(f"\nPercentage correct: {percentage_correct:.2f}%")
    print(f"Percentage incorrect: {percentage_incorrect:.2f}%")

# Tester function to validate quiz functionality
def test_quiz():
    # Add test cases to validate quiz functionality
    test_cases = [
        (["collaboration", "yes", "integer", "boolean", "false", "code segment."], 100.0, 100.0, 0.0),
        (["collaboration", "no", "integer", "boolean", "true", "code"], 33.33, 33.33, 66.67),

    for i, (test_input, expected_percentage_score, expected_percentage_correct, expected_percentage_incorrect) in enumerate(test_cases, start=1):
        print(f"\nTest Case {i} - Expected Score: {expected_percentage_score}%")
        # Create a mock input object
        input_mock = unittest.mock.Mock()

        # Set the side effect of the mock input object to return the test input
        input_mock.side_effect = test_input

        # Patch the builtins.input function with the mock input object
        with unittest.mock.patch("builtins.input", input_mock):

            # Run the quiz function

        print("\n" + "-" * 40)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    test_quiz()  # Run the tester function
Test Case 1 - Expected Score: 100.0%

Question 1: Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of 

Question 2: Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?

Question 3: The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age 

Question 4: The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?

Question 5: True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor.

Question 6: A group of statements is called..
['collaboration', 'yes', 'integer', 'boolean', 'false', 'code segment.']

User Responses:
Question 1: collaboration
Question 2: yes
Question 3: integer
Question 4: boolean
Question 5: false
Question 6: code segment.

Quiz completed!
cliang, you scored 100.00%.

User Inputs:
1. collaboration
2. yes
3. integer
4. boolean
5. false
6. code segment.

Percentage correct: 100.00%
Percentage incorrect: 0.00%


Test Case 2 - Expected Score: 33.33%

Question 1: Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of 

Question 2: Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?

Question 3: The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age 

Question 4: The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?

Question 5: True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor.

Question 6: A group of statements is called..
['collaboration', 'no', 'integer', 'boolean', 'true', 'code']

User Responses:
Question 1: collaboration
Question 2: no
Question 3: integer
Question 4: boolean
Question 5: true
Question 6: code

Quiz completed!
cliang, you scored 50.00%.

User Inputs:
1. collaboration
2. no
3. integer
4. boolean
5. true
6. code

Percentage correct: 50.00%
Percentage incorrect: 50.00%

# for example...

def test_even_odd(numbers_list):
    # Count the number of elements in the list
    num_elements = len(numbers_list)

    # Check if it's even or odd using the modulo operator
    if num_elements % 2 == 0:
        print("The list has an even number of elements.")
        print("The list has an odd number of elements.")

# Example usage
even_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
odd_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

print("Even list:")

print("\nOdd list:")